
Microfinance Gateway | Malaysia: Fintech Heavyweight CTOS Expands Services for A Better Financial Inclusion

CTOS has been Malaysia’s largest in terms of credit reporting, just announced a partnership with LenddoEFL to achieve a joint vision of financial inclusion for the people who had difficulties securing loans in Malaysia due to the lack of credit history. 

Read article in MicroFinance Gateway website: https://www.microfinancegateway.org/announcement/malaysia-fintech-heavyweight-ctos-expands-services-better-financial-inclusion

Media Telecom | Orange Bank comienza a ofrecer micropréstamos personales

Micropréstamos: un negocio en aumento

La posibilidad de ofrecer micropréstamos a los usuarios tienta cada vez más a la industria. No solo a la banca digital. El año pasado, Telefónica de España presentó Movistar Money. Se trata un servicio de préstamos al consumo. Asimismo, una de sus principales características es que son preconcedidos a los clientes de la operadora.

En Latinoamérica esta tendencia es todavía más importante. Así, en México, Lenddo y Entrepreneurial Finance Lab (EFL) se fusionaron para brindar productos financieros para el sector no bancarizado. Read full article.

The Edge Markets | Cover Story: Scoring with big data

"The exponential rise in the use of smartphones, mobile wallets and e-payment systems has given birth to a new technology that uses big data to determine credit scores. The technology has been lauded for helping the underbanked gain access to credit, representing the first step towards financial inclusion.

The use of non-traditional data to churn out credit scores is now expanding beyond the underbanked and unbanked to reach even well-banked individuals who already have a credit score. This pool of data, which is used to discover patterns of users’ repayment behaviour based on their mobile phone and social media usage, is playing an increasingly important role in Asia alongside traditional credit scores." Read the full article.

Lodex Blog | The Future of Data-Driven Financial Inclusion Posted by Aisha Hillary-Morgan

"In Australia, millions of people find themselves in a chicken-or-egg-type dilemma when it comes to getting credit. Even though they have steady income, they still can’t access credit because of lack a formal credit history. Yet, most of these consumers carry a smartphone, are online and connected through social networks, leaving behind a digital footprint that can be analyzed to better understand who they are and their attitudes toward credit.

This is why we have teamed up with LenddoEFL, the leading technology platform powering data driven decisions for financial services, to help them create more of a credit story. Your Social Score will use, with your consent, your digital footprint to provide additional insights for borrowers and for lenders to more efficiently make a preliminary assessment." Read the full article

Originally posted by our partner Lodex